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  • Matt T.

AMA With Asher Z

Welcome to V1, Rotate's first Ask Me Another (AMA), a series where we invite members of the community that have made significant contributions in the community and in Infinite Flight. Our first guest is Asher, better known as @infiniteflight_17 here on the IFC. Having been a longtime Infinite Flight pilot with Grade 5 status, as well as an IFATC Specialist and the CEO of Alaska Virtual Airline, Asher is experienced and knowledgable in regards to the world of Infinite Flight. He is also a student pilot, currently training at Santa Monica Flyers in Santa Monica, California, just north of Los Angeles.

Starting today and ending on Saturday (November 28th), you'll be able to ask Asher any questions you may have, whether it be about Infinite Flight or his personal life. However, inappropriate and duplicate questions will be removed, and any questions that our guest does not wish to respond will not be responded to.

To ask Asher a question, make an account and comment on this post. Our guest will answer your question when he is available. The AMA will be open until Saturday, the 28th of November.

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